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4 Home Improvement Projects that are Perfect for Fall

Home Improvement Projects

Now that fall has finally arrived here in Fitchburg, the temperatures are starting to drop, making it the perfect time to complete any of the home improvement projects that you were putting off this summer. Keep reading to find out just a few of the home maintenance projects that are perfect for finishing in the fall weather.

Fall Home Improvement Projects

These fall home improvement projects will help you make sure that your family stays safe and comfortable as temperatures start to drop:

  1. Clean the gutters.

Though you may not recognize the pay off right away, cleaning your gutters offers an instant return on your investment. Just 30 minutes of rain gutter maintenance can help you save thousands of dollars in potential damage to your home’s foundation. It’s important to do this in fall when there tends to be more debris from falling leaves. Waiting until winter to do this thankless task may result in a much tougher project.

  1. Replace your HVAC filter.

Keeping up with your routine heating and cooling system filter changes is important, especially as we approach heating season. We recommend that you check your air filter once a month and replace it once it becomes dirty or clogged. Once the filter becomes clogged, it is no longer effective at trapping dirt, dust, allergens, and other contaminants that enter your home’s HVAC system. Also, the more clogged the filter, the harder your HVAC system has to work to keep your home comfortable, which can result in unnecessary wear and tear on the equipment’s parts.

  1. Seal any cracks and gaps around windows and doors.

If you want to help your HVAC system keep you warm and cozy this winter, be sure to check for gaps and cracks around your doors and windows. Seal these areas to prevent warm air from escaping your home. The better your insulation around these spots, the more efficient your heating system will work to keep you and your family comfortable without breaking the bank.

  1. Take care of your lawn.

Fall is also the perfect time to handle your lawn maintenance. Rake up any fallen leaves and aerate your lawn and garden beds to keep them from suffocating during the winter time. You should also fertilize and winterize any grass, trees, or shrubs to keep them healthy when temperatures start to drop. The more you care for your lawn in fall, the better it will look once winter passes.

Fitchburg Fall HVAC Tune-Up

As we approach winter, it’s important that Fitchburg homeowners get a fall HVAC tune-up before the colder winter arrives. Shackelford Heating and Cooling has been providing quality HVAC repair, maintenance, and installation services for over 20 years. Our certified HVAC technicians will help you prepare your home heating system for the winter by cleaning and lubricating your equipment while inspecting for any issues or repair needs. This routine maintenance visit will not only help you stay warm this winter, but it will ensure your HVAC system is running efficiently so you’re not alarmed when the heating bill comes.

To schedule a fall tune-up visit, call today: (608) 530-0667.


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