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How Indoor Air Quality Changes in the Summer

A man seeming to have a headache

For many people, summertime means cranking up the air conditioner to stay cool and comfortable indoors. But what you may not know is that the temperature changes brought on by summertime can affect your home’s indoor air quality as well. A trusted air conditioning repair service company in the area, Shackelford Heating & Cooling, discusses more about this here.

Congested Air Filters

Summer heat makes most people turn down the temperature on their air conditioning system, which means it will need to work overtime to keep their living spaces comfortable. Because of this, the air filter has to sift through more dust and dirt, and when it’s not cleaned or changed regularly, the buildup on the filter can cause it to clog. This not only makes it difficult for your AC to distribute conditioned air evenly, it’s possible that harmful dust and particles will circulate throughout your home, as well. If you’re living with people who have asthma or are allergic to dust, this can be a huge problem. For this reason, make sure to change your air filter regularly this summer.

Excess Humidity

As the temperature rises outside, so does your home’s humidity levels. The excess moisture in the air usually causes discomfort, and can sometimes even make it hard to breathe. What’s more, it encourages mold to develop in your living space. Mold spores are associated with a number of health problems, so your best option is to promptly control high humidity levels in your home. A dependable expert in heating and air conditioning services, Shackelford Heating & Cooling, can help you with this. We offer high-quality dehumidifiers from top brand Carrier that can bring down indoor humidity for optimal health and comfort.

There are a couple of ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality this summer. In addition to replacing your air filter and using a dehumidifier, you should also:

  • Have the ducts cleaned if they’ve accumulated a significant amount of dust and debris inside them.
  • Ventilate your home by leaving windows and doors open at least 15 minutes each day.
  • Monitor indoor humidity and adjust your AC to keep levels between 30 and 60 percent.

Along with residential heating repair, Shackelford Heating & Cooling can also handle your indoor air quality needs. Using our safe, effective solutions, we’ll help keep your home safer and healthier this summer. Call us today at (608) 530-0667 or fill out this contact form to schedule your HVAC evaluation. We proudly serve Madison, WI, and the surrounding areas.


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