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Learning About the Different Kinds of Heating Systems

Looking at a heating system

The majority of energy used by a typical American home goes to heating and cooling the interior. Choosing the right heating and air conditioning system is important because your HVAC systems have a big impact on your overall energy costs. If your current system is decades old, you may save significant amounts of money if you switch to a newer and more efficient system.

Here are three common heating systems and an in-depth description of each.

Electric Heat Pump

An electric heat pump works similarly to an air conditioning system but it reverses the refrigerant cycle to deliver heat to the interior. This heating system is energy-efficient than other kinds of electric heat systems. When choosing your electric heat pump, look for a high HSPF rating. The better the HSPF, the lower the yearly energy costs will be.


These heating systems usually have efficiency ratings between 78 percent to 96 percent AFUE. High ratings equal a more efficient system. There are three categories of furnaces: base, mid-efficiency, and high-efficiency. A base model furnace might be a good option for climates with mild weather. Mid-efficiency furnaces have more precise control of venting and combustion air compared with base model furnaces, while high-efficiency propane or gas condensing furnaces are the most efficient. They are the best choice for large homes with high heating requirements.


Like furnaces, these heating systems use an AFUE rating to determine their energy efficiency. All residential boilers manufactured since 1992 need to meet an AFUE rating of at least 80 percent, unlike old boilers that only have AFUE ratings of up to 65 percent. It may be worthwhile to upgrade your heating if you have a decades-old boiler in your home. Aside from the AFUE rating, look for boilers with high-efficiency pumps if you want the best performance.

Efficient Heating on Demand: Shackelford Heating and Cooling

Shackelford Heating and Cooling can assist you with all of your heating and air conditioning needs because of our many years of experience and qualifications. As a Carrier® Factory Authorized dealer, we’ve mastered the installation, repairs, and maintenance of Carrier products and we can offer you better warranties. We pride ourselves on our efficiency and our way of exceeding our customers’ expectations.

Contact us here or call us at (608) 530-0667 to learn more about heating systems.


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