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Saving Energy This Spring

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Spring is a great time to take advantage of the nice weather to lower your energy consumption. You don’t have to use as much air conditioning or heating around this time, so it’s better to let nature cool and heat your home more efficiently. It’s also a great opportunity for air conditioner repair.

Here are some great tips if you and your family are looking to do something worthwhile this Spring:

  1. If you live in a place that gets cold at night, turn off the HVAC system and open the windows. When the cold air comes in during the mornings, close the windows so you can trap the cold air for a bit longer in the house.
  2. Maintain your HVAC system. Regular air conditioner repair is important if you want the unit to last long and perform efficiently. The moss, mold, dust and dirt in the unit can add to health problems and make the air conditioner underperform.
  3. Install appropriate window films and coverings. Some special covering material can keep out heat and UV rays. Ask a professional about what coatings can be used on your windows.
  4. Use your thermostat wisely. You can turn off or set your thermostat higher than normal when you’re out of the house and simply adjust it when you get back home.
  5. Set your thermostat as high as you can. Your HVAC system works harder when the difference between the temperature outside and what you set inside your home is too large. So setting it as high as you can feel comfortable with can save you a lot of energy and money.
  6. Know when to use fans. Fans should be turned off when you leave a room, because ventilation fans only cool people by imitating a breeze. So your fan is not cooling anything when you leave it on in a room.

Contacting a professional HVAC firm like Shackelford Heating and Cooling at (608) 530-0667 can help you identify the areas in your home that can contribute to cooling and heating.

When you ask for professional assistance, make sure that you specify your location in Madison, WI so a suitable expert can be sent to your location.


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