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Top Reasons to Consider Gas Furnaces for Your Home

Inside a gas furnace

Gas furnaces remain the most prevalent of all heating and air conditioning options in the United States. Furnaces seem to hold their own even compared with the many innovations and technologies developed in the heating and cooling industry in recent years. This popularity is grounded on tried and true characteristics that have stood the test of time, placing gas furnaces on par with the modern systems of today.

With seemingly better choices available in the market, why should you give consideration to gas furnaces as a heating system for your home? Here are top answers from top air conditioning and heating contractors in the state.


There’s a growing list of competitors for furnaces in the heating industry and almost all of them promise savings on your gas or electric bill from energy efficiency alone. What sets gas furnaces apart, however, is the initial investment needed to have a brand new one installed. Gas furnaces are definitely the cheaper option when it comes to heating options.

Energy Efficiency

Most air conditioning and heating contractors agree that efficiency is not necessarily the flagship feature of furnaces. However, this doesn’t mean that this reliable system has not made innovations when it comes to handling energy well. In fact, compared to older models from decades ago, the furnaces available in the market today have made leaps and bounds in terms of efficiency, with a few notable ones compared to a few of the “greener” alternatives around.

Repair and Maintenance

The prevalence of furnaces provides a steady demand for heating contractors for routine check-ups and repairs. Because of this, it’s far easier and often cheaper to have services done on a gas furnace than other systems, which sometimes require special training and certifications before technicians are qualified to handle them.

Fire Your Furnace Up With Shackelford Heating and Cooling

Gas furnaces are indeed trustworthy and at Shackelford Heating and Cooling, we are more than happy to help provide any service you need. Give us a call today at (608) 530-0667 to schedule an appointment or get a free estimate. Our superior services are available in Madison, WI, and the surrounding areas.


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